Turkish Teaching Materials for Foreigners
TURKCESTAN has 25 years of experience in the field of editor, writer and voice over. Teaching Turkish to foreigners; This staff, who is an expert in preparing textbooks and ancillary materials in this field, canhelp you achieve your goal.
The publications are prepared according to the requirements of TOMER’s and institutions that teach Turkish to foreigners, as well as the Common European Framework Program.
Book Publishing
- TURKCESTAN prepares publications for both children and adults about teaching Turkish for foreigners.
- Teaching Turkish for foreigners;
- Textbooks – Workbooks,
- Teacher books
- Subject assesment tests,
- Subject Posters,
- Dictionaries
Digital Publishing
- TURKCESTAN prepares custom tailored interactive CD’s for course books or separately for teaching Turkish to foreigners.
- TURKCESTAN has a dedicated team that prepares and produces digital products in Turkish.
- TÜRKÇESTAN prepares websites related to Turkish and foreign language education.
- TURKCESTAN has an online examination program in accordance with the European Common Framework Program.
- Upon request , preparatory schools or language teaching institutions of universities may purchase either entire exam content, or specific modules.
- The exams are avaliable as booklets or computer based.
For more information please contact us.